DRF Electrical

Electrical Contractors to Commerce and Industry Installation, Maintenance & Testing, Fire Alarms, Emergency Lighting & Life Systems

Investing in CPDs for our electricians

CPD (Continuing Professional Development) is important to us here at DRF in helping our team continue to carry out all work safely and to the highest standards.

CPDs help us keep up to date with the latest standards, regulations and industry developments, brush up on our skills and expand our knowledge and expertise. Electrical work is a skilled profession and must be carried out by a competent person who can ensure that electrical installations, maintenance and repair are carried out safely and correctly.

New CPD rules

CPDs are not just important for employers to demonstrate that their team are competent and reliable in carrying out the work they are doing. New rules mean evidence of CPDs must be provided by employers, and may also be required for certification and licensing purposes. They also ensure that electricians know how to keep themselves and others safe, particularly when working in dangerous environments.

In addition, CPDs show that both the individual and the employer are committed to enhancing their knowledge and improving their skills. It is recommended that CPDs are renewed every two years to ensure electricians are aware of the latest developments in the industry’s ever-changing standards, regulations and innovations.

There are a range of accredited resources to help with CPDs, covering areas such as health and safety, regulations and standards, use of equipment, PAT testing, risk assessments, and new technology and techniques. These are available through organisations such as NICEIC (National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting), which assesses electrical businesses in the UK. Individuals can also carry out additional activities such as job shadowing and mentoring.

Accredited electricians at DRF

At DRF Electrical, we are committed to offering all our staff the opportunity to undertake CPDs. They can learn new things and revise their knowledge through webinars, podcasts and online courses. We have a structured system in place to record evidence of the learning carried out by each staff member. It also helps us identify gaps in knowledge and skills for future development. Our staff can also suggest any courses they think would be useful to them.

We work with a NICEIC assessor to ensure the CPDs are delivered correctly. They advise on progress and further courses. To underline our commitment to delivering structured and beneficial learning, we also have a member of staff who has recently received the NICEIC qualifying supervisor status and can now sign off all our certificates.

Our CPDs are in addition to the qualifications that our team members already hold. As accredited electricians, they have previously completed apprenticeship programmes, on-the-job training and NVQs. Each staff member has the relevant accredited qualifications and professional licences needed for their role, as well as wide-ranging experience on the job.

All of this means that, ultimately, we are able to offer the very best service to our clients. It offers assurance and confidence that our team are carrying out all electrical work competently, skilfully and safely.

Contact us to find out more about our work and how we can help with your project. Call us on 0113 257 8212.

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